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A website containing a blog post is a type of content management system. A blog can serve as a public journal or diary, with entries . Blogs are usually updated with new content by the author and blogging activity is typically more frequent than that of a standard website. bloggers - people who write texts for publication in their "blogs" - people who read blogs, often called "lurkers" or "lurkers" - magazine about blogging. In order to create a blog, one has to:A popular and widely used blog platform is:The PHP language is the main programming language used in blogging software. However, different design of blog software can use other languages such as:The use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) for formatting or layout purposes. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. It was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Cascading Style Sheets separate the content and appearance into two separate concerns, content and presentation. CSS can provide basic styling to HTML elements. HTML is a markup language. The use of JavaScript can be used to add a dynamic interactive element to a blog, such as a chat room or comment facility. There are only three blog software that uses JavaScript:Blog posts convey information in the form of text, images, videos, and audio files. In this sense, blogging is very much like an online journal where entries are displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent first). However, blogs often contain other media forms such as audio or video content or links to other websites - these are known as "aggregators" or "feedreaders". This can be done by installing a feed reader on your blog. The main function of a blog is to be a place where people can share their thoughts or opinions. Public sharing has been a way to exchange ideas, but this exchange needs a medium. A blog is the ideal mode of expressing and sharing thoughts/opinions/actions since it facilitates self-expression and is an effective means of broadcasting information with anonymity. This makes it possible for anyone to express his or her own thoughts with complete freedom from censorship. In this respect, "blogging" is the latest expression of an ancient virtue: the desire to communicate, i.e., "speak out." As such it differs from broadcasting because in broadcasting one simply transmits information without adding value or meaning into that transmission. In addition to the ability to share, blogging affords other advantages for the blogger. In a blog, one can track his or her own thoughts and ideas as one goes through life. While this is certainly not uncommon in any form of writing, the obvious advantage of a blog is that it allows you to view your own thoughts at a later time. This type of self-monitoring serves as a reminder, a source for inspiration and applause – or constructive criticisms – or both. Beyond this benefit which many consider the main motivation behind blogging, there are other areas where blogs offer considerable advantages over more traditional forms of written expression. cfa1e77820